How to continue to demonstrate your value when you can’t physically show up

There is no doubt that working from home is quite different from working in an office setting. The distractions can be almost insurmountable. Netflix, food, music, kids, going outside, calls, rinse, wash, repeat. All of these things call our names throughout the day at home and would not be screaming at us if we were in the office. How do you show up, stay focused and demonstrate what an asset you are when your circumstances have changed.
Our solution is to change your focus. We are getting our client work done the same way we always have but throwing in time for bonus thoughts and practices.
Online training for something that has piqued your interest and will keep you sharp.
Clean up efforts to streamline internal processes.
Reaching out to a client “just because” to let them know you are thinking of them and there to support them.
Thinking of an added service you could offer your clients to get them over this hump.
Doing something for your internal team to lighten their load or bring a smile to their face.
The opportunities are endless you just need to promise yourself one session of undistracted time to sit and think about what you can bring to the table. What is something that is doable that would leave your clients feeling more taken care of, your coworkers feeling more supported or your boss feeling that you are bringing something new and positive in a time that was thought to be all negative?
Make no mistake, there is not one person that hasn’t been affected by this pandemic whether it be mentally, emotionally, physically or financially. Changing your focus to something new that can help your clients or your team whether the effect is felt now or during the comeback will ultimately put you in a position to show that although the work environment was not ideal your mindset was and you rose to the challenge.